
Monday, December 26, 2005

Workplace horrors / Pingelige Chefs 2005

The time-honored office tradition of whining at the water cooler just might get you fired, according to a newly compiled list of workplace horrors around the world. Two workers who exceeded the official limit of two moans per employee at one unnamed German firm were fired this year. Several colleagues quit before their moans could be counted. Their employer's strict policy tops a list compiled by Challenger, Gray and Christmas. The Chicago-based outplacement firm gave a few notable examples from hundreds of cases.

Wer Eichhörnchen rettet, fliegt raus
Manche Chefs scheinen zu denken, dass sie ihren Angestellten alle möglichen abwegigen Regeln zumuten können. Das jedenfalls legt die "Liste der unglaublichsten Arbeitsplatz-Ereignisse" nahe, die eine US-Beratungsfirma zusammengestellt hat. Auch eine deutsche Firma tat sich unrühmlich hervor.


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