
Friday, August 05, 2005

Woman lifts 20 times body weight

A young woman summoned up the strength to lift a car more than 20 times her body weight to free a trapped friend, despite being injured herself. Kyla Smith, from Sunderland, was driving her MG ZR hatchback near Washington when it left the road and hit a tree.
Passenger Jonathon Connor's leg was stuck under the car as it rolled over. So the 23-year-old lifted the car to allow him to escape, unaware that she had injured her back in the crash. Ms Smith said: "I lost control of car, it hit a pile of bricks, which hit the steering arm and made the wheels head for a tree. We hit the tree and the car came down on the passenger side. "At this point Jonathon's leg was outside the car and it came down on his leg. "I climbed out of the drivers window and saw that his leg was under the car, so I grabbed the sun roof visor, and lifted the car six or seven inches to get it out. "I just knew I had to get him free and there was no-one else around at the time." ...more


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