
Friday, September 30, 2005


Friday Night

Friday night is music night at LOOK AT THIS..., so get on down there and see what ILuvNUFC has found for you this time.

online game - Grow ver.3

Blue - How to...

Sidebar ads maybe NSFW

Worth1000 - If Pirates Ruled

clip - Smart cat

...via Crackers 'n Jam,
tks InfoLands

magazine art

Man Sinks $200,000 Yacht Rather Than Lose It In Divorce

A British man sunk his $200,000 yacht in southwest England Wednesday rather than let his estranged wife sell it for a knockdown price after the couple decided to break up.



Bra Check Spurs Nursing Home Worker to Sue

A former nursing home worker has filed a $9 million federal lawsuit against an upstate county, claiming she's suffered mental anguish and needs anti-anxiety medication after being forced to prove she was wearing a bra at work.

clip - Honda Civic - Rebirth

clips - miracles

Harry Potter

Thursday, September 29, 2005


Visions of Science

BBC - Visions of Science

clip - Cat walk

clip - Eric's Desert Trip

online game - ball bounce

Deans3D Animated Desktops

Uni offers alien degree

A British university has launched a three-year degree course in the hunt for life beyond the planet Earth. The University of Glamorgan this week launched what it said was Britain's first undergraduate course in astrobiology, the search for extraterrestrial life.

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