Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Wiring up the 'Victorian internet'

Monday, November 28, 2005
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Black toilet paper / Schwarzes Designer-Klopapier

Es ist sauteuer, aber es wirkt - irgendwie: Der portugiesische Papierhersteller Renova bringt absolut exklusives schwarzes Toilettenpapier auf den Markt. Wer sich damit den Allerwertesten säubern will und wie erfolgreich er bei dem Unterfangen ist, sei dahingestellt. ...mehr
Wintereinbruch verursacht "Kabeltanzen"

Radium & Radon

Radon was a popular additive in products like toothpaste, hair creams and even food items in the early 20th century, due to its supposed curative powers. Radon was subsequently removed when its carcinogenic properties were discovered. However, there are still radon baths and hot springs in Austria, Germany and Japan. These baths promote radon by saying that it cures illnesses like hypertension and hemorrhoids. There are similar radon treatment centers in the U.S. and elsewhere which are usually billed as 'health centers', though the health benefits of low-levels of radiation are seen as dubious, at best, by most radiologists.

Friday, November 25, 2005
An embarrassment no more

related -

Thursday, November 24, 2005
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